An $11 Trillion Opportunity – Why we need to act now to build a green bank in Georgia  – Part III

This is Part III of a multi-part series on why we should get serious about launching a green bank in Georgia. If you missed Part I, you can find it here or Part II here.

Part III – Putting Capital to Work

As hard as it was to pass the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), the most challenging part of any spending legislation is ensuring it achieves the desired goals. Despite the name, for the … read more

An $11 Trillion Opportunity – Why we need to act now to build a green bank in Georgia  – Part II

This is Part II of a multi-part series on why we should get serious about launching a green bank in Georgia. If you missed Part I, you can find it here.

Part II – Green Banks

Green banks are specialized not-for-profit organizations dedicated to funding the growth of businesses leading the low-carbon transition. The name “green bank” is misleading as they operate much more like community development financial institutions (CDFI). Created in 1994 by … read more

An $11 Trillion Opportunity – Why we need to act now to build a green bank in Georgia

This is a multi-part series on why we should get serious about launching a green bank in Georgia. “Green banks” is a bit of a misnomer because they don’t offer retail banking like checking and savings accounts or traditional investment banking services. They operate more like community development financial institutions (CDFI), investing in small- to medium-sized businesses in under-served markets. For green banks, that under-served market is made up of the businesses leading our transition read more

Our survey results: Understanding the challenges energy enterprises face in emerging economies

Invested Development and GVEP International recently conducted a survey in collaboration with Power Africa and UN Foundation’s Energy Access Practitioner Network to investigate the challenges that energy enterprises experience in emerging markets. Of course, company financing is a big issue, but we wanted to dig deeper into manufacturing, human resources, consumer financing, and sales. The goal was to identify the types of support products and services that the industry can provide to move the needle … read more

Renewable Energy Developments

Renewable energy solutions continue to contribute to solving the world’s energy crisis. Below are recent articles highlighting recent news and developments in the space.

Renewable Energy Capacity Grows at Fastest Ever Pace Terry Macalister on The Guardian

A recent report by the International Energy Agency revealed that renewable power capacity grew at its strongest ever pace last year and now produces 22% of the world’s electricity. More than $250 billion was invested in “green” generating … read more

Power Africa Initiative Energy Developments

Momentum gathers in Power Africa initiative on BiztechAfrica

Standard Bank Group has renewed its commitment to the Power Africa Initiative, a multi-stakeholder project driven by US President Barack Obama. The Initiative aims to double power access in Africa by accelerating investments in the sector over the next five years.

The six initial partner countries are Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Liberia, Nigeria and Tanzania. Each have set ambitious goals to boost their power generating capacity to enhance … read more

Global Energy Updates

Most of the developing world finds itself in an energy crisis, with little to no access to the grid or unreliable power supply for those with access. The portion of the world with reliable energy on the other hand wastes billions of dollars worth of watts every year. The articles below discuss each of these energy problems and outline solutions that could save money while providing more.

Why Solar Energy is Key to Solving Global read more