Weekly Review December 8-14: Trends in 2013

With December upon us, everyone is looking ahead to 2013. We, at Invested Development, are doing the same across our sector focuses and looking at trends for the upcoming year. Here are this week’s articles that reflect on trends and what’s next in alternative energy and mobile technology.

Which Tech Trends Will Be Making Waves in 2013” on IT News Africa
Tablets, smartphones, and 4G and LTE data speeds made a big splash in 2012. IT News Africa asked five IT experts to share their thoughts on what’s in store for 2013. Experts are expecting increased mobile Internet access, greener businesses, increased dependence on cloud computing and VoIP, and the proliferation of m-commerce and geo-location services. We’re particularly interested in how these types of innovations will empower businesses in emerging markets.

What Investors Need to Know About Clean Tech in India” by David Ferris on Forbes
With so many clean tech investment opportunities in India, Forbes featured an Indian clean-tech expert Vineeth Vijayaraghavan, to get his insights on what companies foreign investors should be considering. We’re proud to say that our portfolio company Simpa Networks made the list. Simpa is not alone: “the market for solar installers is just starting,” says Vijayaraghavan. Scaling is one of the biggest challenges to decentralized energy to India, but given the number of bright minds working on it, we’re optimistic that next year will show significant progress.

The Promise of South Africa as a New Solar Frontier” by Ucilia Wang on Renewable Energy World
Africa as a whole represents an exciting frontier market. Renewable Energy World pegs South Africa as the next frontier for solar. Looking at the numbers and South Africa’s relative success at building and maintaining infrastructure (75% electrification), building up the solar market seems like the next logical step for the nation. South Africa is very reliant on coal, but with two large deals for solar farms over the next two years, we sense a shift on the horizon.

Behind the rise of the 3D printing revolution” by Jamillah Knowles
Already, 3D printing has become a buzzword in the tech industry around the world, with investors and executives jumping on board. Eventually, we think that this technology will become affordable enough for emerging markets, opening up a huge opportunity for small businesses and particularly energy franchises. However, it has a long way to go before getting there. The Next Web covers the origins of 3D printing and who is currently working on it, a good early reference for the blossoming technology.

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