Weekly Review October 6-12: How Mobile is Changing the Economy, Media, and More

Telecoms and mobile phones have changed the way organizations interact with customers at the base of the economic pyramid. This week, we’re sharing stories on the impact they’ve had on common challenges across sectors in emerging markets.

Mobile money transfer, a relief to Kenya’s unemployment situation” on Mobile Money Africa
The traditional benefits of mobile money include financial inclusion and innovation stimulation. Additionally, a new benefit is being realized in Kenya. National unemployment is very high, around 40%. New information from the Communication Commission of Kenya reveals that mobile money services have created thousands of new jobs. Close to 50,000 people are now employed as mobile money agents, a 16% increase from the previous year.

ICT4D 2012: Maximizing Mobile
The World Bank released a new report “Maximizing Mobile,” which discusses how information and communication technologies promote development. It covers the impact that mobile communications have had in business, healthcare, agriculture, and government. You can download the full report here (PDF).

Mobile Transformation in Nigeria” by Yaron Assabi on IT News Africa
There are 99 million mobile phone users in Nigeria, many of whom have experienced new opportunities and growth thanks to increased access to ICT. The government has recognized the impact that mobile has had on its country, specifically in the areas of education, banking, healthcare, and business. As a result, in August, the Nigerian government announced plans to invest $15 million into the sector.

How Near-Universal Adoption of Mobile Phones is Changing African Media” by Jennifer Dorroh on PBS Media Shift    
In Africa, mobile penetration has changed the way media is disseminated throughout the population. Mobile is on its way to becoming the primary medium for broadcasting, according to Dorroh. In addition to simply increasing access to information, mobile phones have allowed for the growth of independent citizen media; this has the potential to dramatically increase transparency in the media across the continent.

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