The Future of African Development

Due to our focus on a emerging markets, and our range of portfolio companies that are located in Africa, we have a vested interest in the progress and success of African markets. Here are some of the stories that caught our attention regarding investment in African development.

Africa: Why Addis Still Matters More Than Davos by Liesl Louw-Vaudran in

Over the last few weeks delegations have meet in Davos, Switzerland, at the World Economic read more

Alternative Energy

We are always keeping an eye on the latest innovations in the alternative and clean energy sectors for the BSP Fund. Here are some of the stories that caught our interest this week.

Tackling Africa’s power poverty with renewable energy by Kristine Pearson on The World Economic Forum

The topic of sustainable methods of alternative energy is becoming increasingly common in development talks. The recent World Economic Forum on Africa, held in Cape Town, … read more

Mobile Tech Innovations in Agriculture

We are always looking for our next BSP Fund investments and researching the latest innovations in the mobile tech and agriculture sectors. Here are some of the stories that caught our interest this week.

Digital Farming- New App to Help Horticulture by Agatha Ngotho on The Star
A new app has been developed in Kenya to help over 50,000 farmers with data management. The Farmforce software is designed to help farmers manage and file the … read more

Supporting innovation and entrepreneurship

We’re committed to supporting innovation and entrepreneurship around the world. Here are this week’s stories on efforts to do so, including some from groups we are proud to call partners.

Safaricom links app makers with private equity investors” by Okuttah Mark on Business Daily Africa
Our biggest news this week was the launch of the Safaricom Developer Challenge called “AppWizz”. The challenge is designed for early stage mobile technology entrepreneurs working on innovative … read more