With our vested interest in agriculture technology, we are always excited to hear about new developments in the agriculture sector. Below are some of the best articles about the future of agriculture technology.
Tradition Meets Technology: The Changing Face of Agriculture by Elizabeth Arakelian on Turlock Journal
Agriculture is a $395 billion industry in the United States, but the average age of the American farmer is 58 years old. The inclusion of technology in the agriculture industry is one of the main ways to move agriculture into the modern era. Apps and programs that help to maximize crop yields and profit are on the rise and attracting the next generation of farmers. “Technology has an effect on the industry because we as farmers can get more information and in turn make better decisions. We hold the same values that we always have, but we do things a little differently than he have before,” said Ray Prock, Jr., a dairyman.
The Next Big Industry: Farming Technology on Minyanville
Seeing a shift in the agriculture industry, big players like Monsanto and DuPont have expressed interest in delving into the agriculture-based information technology business. Including technologies such as precision farming and prescriptive planting, these new technologies can help to increase the effectiveness of resources, while also increasing crop yields. While there are many advantages to these technologies, critics also argue that, in the hands of powerful companies, this information could be sold to traders or other farmers, giving them an unfair advantage.
Agriculture: Tech Developments To Help Farming Sector on The Express Tribune
The Ministry of Science and Technology (MoST) is Pakistan is developing new technologies to enhance the efficiency of the agriculture sector. These technologies include remote sending, laser land-leveling, bio-fertilizers, and solar tube-wells. The MoST’s plans to cultivate crops that are better suited to the particular environmental challenges present in Pakistan in order to provide a well-rounded diet to Pakistani farmers, and contribute to the international market.
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