Impact Investing: Growth and Measuring Impact

There has been promising growth in the impact investing space recently, and investors and academics alike are looking for better and easier ways to measure impact. The articles and reports below highlight recent activity.

US Sustainable, Responsible and Impact Investing Assets Grow 76 Percent in Two Years Press Release on The Forum for Sustainable and Responsible Investment

According to US SIF – The Forum for Sustainable and Responsible Investment’s latest survey, sustainable, responsible, and … read more

Agriculture Investments in Africa

Given our interest in agriculture, it is great to hear about governmental, institutional, and private efforts towards efficient and sustainable food production. Below are a few articles that detail this progress, with a focus on Africa.

Denmark to invest in African agriculture by Christian Wenande on The Copenhagen Post
Denmark’s trade and development minister recently announced earlier that the department is launching an agriculture investment fund targeting developing nations. The fund will be dedicated to … read more

Technological Advancements in Agriculture

The food and agriculture industry, from big to small, from the US to Africa, will undergo a new wave of technology adoption in the next 5-10 years. The core theme driving this adoption is the need for food security and food safety.

Agricultural Technologies Could Increase Global Crop Yields as Much as 67 Percent and Cut Food Prices Nearly in Half by 2050” by International Food Policy Research Institute

The world’s population is … read more