Creating and Measuring Impact

As impact investors, we are interested in better measuring the impact of initiatives in underserved markets. Below are articles highlighting how people are creating social impact globally and how to measure and scale impact efficiently. Strong Communities Build Global Impact by Nekesa Were on iHub Global Voices and iHub have been bringing people together to form communities dedicated to social impact. Today, 1200 contributors from 167 countries write for Global Voices, coming together to write … read more

Impact Maximization – Incorporating the full costs of doing business



The businesses our industry is supporting are often referred to as social enterprises, social ventures, social businesses or impact enterprises. They are, by and large, businesses that not only do-no-harm, but intend to do-good[1]. Nomenclature aside, it is an industry that requires the belief that capitalism is the most effective way we know to efficiently bring products and services to the masses.
Before you label me as a Reagan Republican
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