Financial Inclusion: Room for Improvement

Are we moving as far and fast as we think? FI2020’s E-Zine says no by Susy Cheston on CFI Blog

The second edition of the Financial Inclusion 2020 Round-up 2014 e-magazine looks at progress toward financial inclusion in the year following the FI2020 Global Forum. Last year, a roadmap to Financial Inclusion was presented at the forum, consisting of five focus areas: Technology, Financial Capability, Addressing Customer Needs, Client Protection, and Credit Reporting. Since then, … read more

Innovation and Financial Inclusion

Over the years, with the introduction of innovations like microcredit and mobile money, Financial Inclusion for the world’s poor has made significant strides. To continue this forward movement, players must look at different approaches to the problem and create innovative solutions while continuing to evaluate and support solutions already in place.

The Next Stage of Financial Inclusion by Dean Karlan on SSIR

In a perfect world, we would never have to think about finance. It … read more