Big Data and the Internet of Things

The “data revolution” that the world is experiencing along with the rise of the Internet of Things (IoT), will change the way the world addresses challenges, how businesses run, and how consumers interact with products. We are on the verge of a revolution that will affect all industries and societies alike. Below are recent articles highlighting developments in data and IoT. IoT Offers Bright Future, Says Harvard Professor by Jon Marcus on PTC According to … read more

Big Data on the Farm

Big Data and Big Agriculture by Adam Lesser on Gigaom

Gigaom, the blog focused on emerging technologies, is tuned into the influence of big data in agriculture.  The research arm has released a new report reviewing a variety of data driven services and their potential value-add for agribusiness.

Key findings include:

  • There will be more incentives to leverage new technology to increase crop yields and manage risk as global population increases, environment volatility grows and
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Push for Agricultural Technology

This week we focused on the growing push of technology in the agricultural sector. An estimated 50% of the world’s land is used for agriculture. With the world’s growing population, we need an increase in food production and sustainable agricultural practices to support upcoming generations. By 2050, the global population is expected to exceed 9 billion people. We are always looking for innovators and start-ups that can bring innovation and technology to the agricultural sector.… read more

Big Data in Agriculture

This week we focused on the use of Big Data in agriculture. Big Data is changing the agriculture market and creating sustainable farming. We are always looking for innovation and new start-ups that can lead us to sustainable farming methods.

The Next Big Market for Data and Connected Devices – Agriculture by Stacey Higginbotham on Gigaom

As the local food and sustainable farming movements grow, Big Data is helping farmers grow produce more food at … read more