Our survey results: Understanding the challenges energy enterprises face in emerging economies

Invested Development and GVEP International recently conducted a survey in collaboration with Power Africa and UN Foundation’s Energy Access Practitioner Network to investigate the challenges that energy enterprises experience in emerging markets. Of course, company financing is a big issue, but we wanted to dig deeper into manufacturing, human resources, consumer financing, and sales. The goal was to identify the types of support products and services that the industry can provide to move the needle … read more

Data Visualization Intern – Immediate Start

Title:                           Data Visualization Intern
Start/End Date:          Immediately – December 2014 (potential for extension)
Location:                    Boston, MA
Schedule:                  10 hours per week (Flexible)
Pay:                           $400 Monthly Stipend

Invested Development is looking for a highly motivated student (graduate or undergraduate) for infographic design and data analytics/visualization assignments. The intern will help to design infographics, create interactive website content, and create automated data gathering solutions from public data sources.  Applicants should be comfortable working in a start-up environment … read more

Urban Population Shift

One of the major reasons we’re investing in agriculture is because of the population shift we will see over the next 40 years. There’ll be more mouths to feed, smaller farming populations, and no new arable land to work with. We’ve visualized the driving force – urbanization – in the infographic below. Please share!

Final Draft Urban Pop Shift (1)read more

Infographic: Population without Mobile Phones in Sub-Saharan Africa

Earlier this year, our blog post Africa’s Big Three discussed the impact of the growing number of mobile subscriptions on Africa’s three largest economies: South Africa, Egypt and Nigeria respectively. Based on World Bank research, an additional ten phones per 100 people adds .8 percentage points to GDP growth. In that post, we found that Nigeria could replace Egypt as the second largest African economy based on mobile phone penetration’s value add to GDP growth … read more